Jessica Dolcourt

California's Kill-Switch Law For Smartphones Takes Effect

Jessica Dolcourt Discusses Samsung Products Coming Out This Fall

CNET News - Inside the guts of a battery factory

CNET's First Look at Facebook Deals

Smartphone buying guide: Platform pros and cons

Meet the dual-edge Galaxy S6 Edge

Amazon Fire Phone quick glance

Inside Scoop - How might an Amazon 3D phone work?

Samsung Galaxy Fold: First Look

Inside Scoop: What will be the hottest phone from Mobile World Congress?

Inside Scoop - Who is the Amazon Fire phone really for?

5G and foldable phones: The promises and problems

I, 3D camera robot

CNET News - Ready for Text-to-911? Not all 911 call centers are

Cat rolls out its rough and rugged B100 cell phone at CES 2014

Galaxy Fold review: What works and doesn't work

Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge: What's the difference? (CNET Prizefight)

What Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 battery fire means for future phones?

CNET News - Four ways to ditch your old electronics

The overall BEST smartphone of 2019 that you can buy now

CNET News - New HTC One M8 focuses on camera features

Samsung ATIV Odyssey for Verizon

Take a ride with Lyft's self-driving cars at CES 2019

CNET News - Google wants to be your wireless carrier